Saturday, September 18, 2010

Days of Heaven on Earth: September 18, 2010


"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:18-19 NIV

"NO FEAR" is what person needs the most in life. Today people all around the world have fear of all sorts from the root - fear of death. Here in Mongolia we have so many superstitions and rules that keep us bound because of fear. Yet it was and is never the heart of GOD for the mankind to be bound in fear or to be victims of fear. GOD wants us - the humans to come to the knowledge of HIS great love for us. HIS everlasting, never ending love. HE wants us to be conscious of HIS heart of love. One has "NO FEAR" if he has come to know the love of GOD and experienced how much the FATHER loves him. As a result of knowing the love of GOD not only he begins to love GOD back, but also he begins to love others. "We love" happens after knowing the love of the FATHER for us. Therefore, the Scripture says "We love because HE first loved us." 

"We have been rescued from our enemies so we can serve God without fear,
in holiness and righteousness for as long as we live." Luke 1:74-75 NLT


"Хайрын дотор айдас байдаггүй. Харин төгс хайр нь айдсыг хөөн зайлуулдаг. Учир нь айдаст ял байдаг. Айдаг нэгэн бол хайрын дотор төгс болгогдоогүй байна. Тэр эхлээд биднийг хайрласан учраас бид хайрладаг." 1 Иохан 4:18-19

Хүнд хэрэгцээтэй хамгийн чухал зүйл бол "айдасгүй байх явдал". Өнөөдөр дэлхий дээр хүмүүс хаа сайгүй янз бүрийн айдаст боолчлогдон амьдарцгааж байна. Энэ бүх айдас нь үхлээс айх айдсаас улбаатай. Монголчууд бид ч гэсэн айдсаас болж олон янзын худал хуурмаг мухар сүсэг, хүний бий болгосон дүрэм мөрдлөгөд хүлэгдэн амьдарцгаадаг. Харин ЕРТӨНЦИЙН ЭЗЭН хэзээ ч ӨӨРИЙНХӨӨ дүр төрхөөр бүтээсэн хүн төрөлхтөнг ингэж айдсын боол, хохирогч нар болж амьдраасай хэмээн хүсээгүй. ЕРТӨНЦИЙН ЭЗЭН хүн төрөлхтөнг ӨӨРИЙНХ нь тэднийг хайрласан мөнхийн хийгээд хэзээ ч дуусашгүй агуу хайрыг таньж мэдээсэй гэж үнэхээр хүсдэг. Бидний зүрх сэтгэл, оюун бодол ТҮҮНИЙ энэ хайраар дүүрэн байгаасай гэж ТЭРЭЭР ихэд хүсдэг. Хүн зөвхөн ТҮҮНИЙ энэ хайрыг мэдэж амссан цагт л ямар ч айх айдасгүй болж чаддаг. Хүн ЕРТӨНЦИЙН ЭЗЭНИЙ өөрийг нь хайрлах хайрыг таньж мэдсэнээр ТҮҮНИЙГ төдийгүй бусдыг ч хайрлах хайртай болдог. Тийм учраас Ариун Библид "Тэр эхлээд биднийг хайрласан учраас бид хайрладаг." гэжээ.

"Бид дайснуудынхаа гараас аврагдаж, улмаар амьдралынхаа бүхий л өдрүүдэд айдас түгшүүргүй, амар тайвнаар ариун хийгээд зөвт байдал дотор Ертөнцийн Эзэндээ үйлчлэх болно." Луух 1:74-75 (өөрийн орчуулга)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Days of Heaven on Earth: September 15, 2010

Isaiah chapters 36-39.

"What confidence is this in which you trust?" (Isaiah 36:4) said Rabshakeh sent by the king of Assyria to challenge and take the land of the people of God.
Today, we are being asked by our enemy, the devil, this same question in temptations and trials in our lives.
"Who is your confidence? Who do you trust?" 
This is because we are in spiritual battle against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6)

The enemy wants us to question the goodness of the LORD in our lives. For if he succeeds in making us doubt in HIS goodness, then he is won. He used this same tone of question when he tempted Eve in the garden of Eden. "Has God indeed said, 'you shall not eat the fruit of the trees of the garden'?" (Genesis 3:1) The enemy wants to rob us of our dependence and reliance on the LORD. But we should not give in to the lies of the enemy when he whispers his lies into our ears and in mind. We have to choose to do the same as King Hezekiah did. "And so it was, when King Hezekiah heard it, that he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the house of the LORD." (Isaiah 37:1)

What is your reaction when hearing of the lying words of the enemy? Your reaction can either make you strong or weak. Your reaction can turn to victory or defeat. We must choose to turn to the Lord as the King Hezekiah did. For the LORD never rejects those who trust in HIM nor let them be ashamed. Therefore, the word of the LORD came to king Hezekiah by the prophet Isaiah as comfort and with victory. (Isaiah 37:6-7)

But the enemy doesn't just stop at one failing attempt, he continues on through others' voices. "Do not let your God in whom you trust deceive you, saying 'Jerusalem shall not be be given into the hand of the king of Assyria'." (Isaiah 37:10) But again, Hezekiah turned to the LORD in prayer. (verse 14-20) and in result, the word of the LORD came to Hezekiah again by Isaiah the prophet (verses 22-35) and defeated the enemy (verses 36-38).

Again, in Isaiah 38, Hezekiah is sick and near death and he turns to GOD in prayer and the LORD adds 15 more years to his age. But we find in Isaiah 39 when Hezekiah received letters and a present from the king of Babylon upon his healing by the LORD, he was pleased and opened up all the treasures of his house to show off. As a result the word of the LORD comes in rebuke. But instead of repenting from his error, he remarked 'at least, I have peace during my days'. (verse 8)

In our hard times and difficulties, we turn to GOD and taste HIS faithfulness. But in victories we sometimes tend to lose our alertness and become prideful. If we find ourselves as such may we to turn to GOD immediately in prayer and repentance. For HE is a good GOD and HIS mercy endures forever.

"Delight yourself also in the LORD, 
And He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4