Thursday, December 3, 2009

A message by Pastor B.H.Clendennen.

I really feel this message has to be heard and heard in a heart of humility. I had the honor of meeting this great man of God few times during his visits to our Bible school ministering to us and was greatly blessed and impacted by the Life and Spirit in him working through Faith. I believe he is one of the very few elderly men who are ministering in pulpits around the globe today. We have much to listen to and learn from such men of God for wisdom and insight in these last days! May we have a hearing heart to do and obey whatever that is in the heart of the Father God, not what we want to hear or do! God help us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, just discovered your blog. i just want to suggest you one thing. if you want to reach out more mongolians by the gospel Jesus Christ, then you should share your thoughts in Mongolian, not in English, as we know that not many mongolians have good english. :P